Above: Smart and Sustainable Corridors Plan Area
Through a Smart and Sustainable Corridors Plan (SCCP), the City will seek to channel future housing and employment growth into the City’s commercial corridors while maintaining the integrity of adjacent residential neighborhoods.
What is a Smart and Sustainable Corridors Plan?
More density of people and jobs along key transit corridors can support more frequent, more reliable transit, as well as walkable and bikable communities and commutes. The City of Oceanside received a grant through the Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Grant Program to plan for more sustainable growth along Mission Avenue, Oceanside Boulevard, and Vista Way. The plan will focus on: planning infrastructure that is bicycle, pedestrian, and transit-friendly; increasing mixed-use development; decreasing greenhouse gas emissions through increased use of transit, walking, and biking; attracting more commercial and industrial businesses and jobs to Oceanside; preserving the City’s open space and reducing sprawl; and supporting the rest of the work of the General Plan Update.
The SCCP will identify ways to facilitate infill and redevelopment along the three corridors, and will also consider public realm improvements that better accommodate public transit and active transportation, including more comfortable pedestrian infrastructure, safe and direct bike networks, and good connections to transit.
How will the Smart and Sustainable Corridors Plan relate to the General Plan Update?
The plan will serve as the foundation for the General Plan update, supporting the City’s ability to meet its Regional Housing Needs Allocation by maximizing housing development in existing corridors near the City’s eight commuter rail stations and other transit stops. The Plan will seek to focus future development in existing commercial and industrial corridors to bring jobs close to where people live, support infrastructure that is efficient and pedestrian and bicycle-friendly, and enhance access to the City’s considerable local and regional transit network, which will help to guide the goals and policies of the General Plan.
Public workshops and meetings for the Smart and Sustainable Corridors Plan and the General Plan Update will build on each other, and many of the events will address both projects.
How can I get involved?
We need resident participation in all phases of the Smart and Sustainable Corridors Plan! Please visit the Participate page for details on upcoming events or contact us directly with your thoughts or questions.