We need your input on Plan Concepts for Sharp Park!

The City of Pacifica is developing a Specific Plan for Sharp Park, an area with significant opportunity to become a vibrant mixed-use and pedestrian-friendly center of activity for Pacifica. The Specific Plan will serve as a blueprint for development and preservation for the blocks surrounding Palmetto Avenue and Beach Boulevard between Paloma Avenue and Clarendon Road, as well as adjacent areas east of Highway 1.

On January 29, 2020, the City of Pacifica held a Specific Plan Concepts workshop, in which nearly 90 participants received an overview of key strategies to achieve a vision of a more vibrant, well-connected, and appealing Sharp Park and discussed preferences for achieving these goals. To view the evening's boards and presentation, click here.


At the workshop, participants provided a diverse range of preferences and responses. We invite you to take a 3-question survey that will help to clarify preferences for a few of these strategies and provide a direction for Specific Plan's major concepts.

Take the survey before 11:59p.m. on Monday, March 9. Thanks for your input!