The Community Forum will take place on Wednesday, July 13th from 5:30 - 7:30pm at the El Corazon Senior Center. Please join us to learn about and explore the viability of conservation easements as a means of protecting farmland and supporting agriculture in Oceanside’s South Morro Hills Neighborhood Planning Area. Land conservation specialists will share examples of successful conservation efforts, discuss how similar approaches might be applied in South Morro Hills, and field questions.
Members of South Morro Hills farming community are strongly encouraged to attend this forum, as it will provide a chance to speak to the opportunities and challenges Oceanside farmers are currently navigating and what might motivate them to formally reserve their properties for agricultural use in perpetuity.
RSVP here.
Chandra Richards (UCCE San Diego)
Stephanie Neal (County of San Diego)
Darcy Cook (Mission Resource Conservation District)
Alex Size (Trust for Public Land)
Hosted by the City of Oceanside Planning Division